Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Identity ( CV )

Name : Dewi Ratnasari
Gender : Female
Place and Date of Birth : Baturaja, February 14, 1993
Citizenship : Indonesia
Status : Not Married
Height and Weight : 159 cm, 55 kg
Religion : Islam
Address : Taman Aster Parumahan Cluster Lotus No. 225 Block A3 Cibitung JawaBarat
No. Phone : 085273457793
E-mail : Dewironson@rocketmail.com

Educational Background:
1998-2004: SD Negeri 2 Baturaja
2004-2007: SMP Negeri 1 Baturaja
2007-2010: SMA Negeri 10 Palembang
2010-2011: While studying Management at the University Gunadarma

Ability to operate computer (Ms. Word, Ms.. Excel, Ms.Power Point)

Budaya Musik

Dewasa ini banyak berkembang group-group band di Indonesia yang dari berbagai aliran musik. Dan perlu kita tahu bahwa sebagian besar group band di Indonesia mengusung aliran musik asing. Ini merupakan pengaruh budaya asing terhadap budaya local. Dan salah satu budaya asing yang mempengaruhi budaya local Indonesia adalah di budaya musik.
Tentang musik, ada banyak hal yang bisa dibahas, mulai dari nada, not, instrumen musik, pemusik, pencipta, hingga jenis irama. Berbicara musik pun tidak terlepas dari jenis-jenisnya, dari klasik hingga pop. Di mana-mana, di atas dunia, banyak orang bermain musik. dari yang pop sampai klasik, begitu paling tidak dikatakan Raja dangdut Rhoma Irama dalam Musik satu lagunya yang mencetak hits pada 1970-an. Banyak orang bilang, dasar dari semua permainan (jenis/genre) musik berasal dari klasik, yang tumbuh dan berkembang pada Periode Klasik. Umumnya, semua sekolah musik memberikan pelajaran kepada siswanya dengan pengenalan dasar-dasar not dan lagu klasik dari Barat, yang tumbuh dan berkembang pada abad ke-18 hingga awal abad ke-19.
Zaman Klasik dibatasi antara Zaman Barok dan Zaman Romantik. Komponis yang terkenal pada masa itu adalah Joseph Haydn, Muzio Clementi, Johann Ladislaus Dussek, Andrea Luchesi, Antonio Salieri, Carl Philipp, Emanuel Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, dan Ludwig van Beethoven.
Musik tidak bisa tidak merupakan salah satu potret seni budaya, tradisi dan pandangan hidup masyarakat, tempat ia tumbuh dan berkembang di dalamnya. Karya cipta musik yang baik pun selalu menggambarkan suasana hati dan pikiran sang pencipta.
Dari musik klasik, orang kemudian diperkenalkan kepada jenis musik jazz dan blues yang merupakan jeritan hati kaum budak (negro) di Amerika Serikat.
Di negeri Paman Sam, semula hanya dikenal country dan rock and roll, yang menjadi sangat populer sejak kemunculan Elvis Presley tahun1950-an.
Dalam waktu hampir bersamaan, di belahan bumi Amerika Latin dan Afrika terjadi gelombang aneka jenis musik, di antaranya reggae, ska, hip hop, R&B, Soul, Dixie, Rhumba, Chacha, dan Bosanova. Memasuki 1960-an, di Inggris muncul generasi pop yang dipelopori Beatles, selain rock `n` roll blues yang dimotori Rolling Stones.
Disebut pop karena generasi ini tidak melekatkan diri pada budaya tertentu dan menciptakan musik sesuai selera dan gaya hidup modern.
Di Indonesia, muncul pula kelompok musik "ngak-ngik-ngok" Koes Bersaudara, belakangan berganti nama menjadi Koes Plus, yang sempat dijuluki Presiden Soekarno sebagai kapitalis, juga Dara Puspita. Selain itu, juga tampil band pop dan rock seperti Gypsy, Mercy`s, Panbers, D`Llyod, God Bless, Rollies, Giant Step, AKA, SAS, Black Brothers dan sebagainya. Sebelum generasi pop menyerbu ke Indonesia, di negeri Nusantara ini sudah pula berkembang musik klasik, tokohnya yang terkenal antara lain Ismail Marzuki dan Mochtar Embut. Namun, ketimbang menyebutnya klasik, pianis dan komponis bereputasi internasional Ananda Sukarlan lebih suka memakai istilah musik sastra. Menurutnya, musik sastra adalah lagu yang dibuat dari karya sastra, sajak dan puisi. Not demi not ditulis dalam partitur sebagai sebuah komposisi musik dan lagu.
Dari penghayatan dan kemudian rasa sungkan serta hormat terhadap puisi itu, seorang musisi/komponis menciptakan lagu dengan merangkai chord (kunci) dan not untuk musik dasar dan melodinya, dalam kesatuan harmoni demi menghadirkan keindahan dan keanggunan lagu sesuai kandungan puisi.

Creativity and Professionalism Traditional Markets Against Modern Market

Markets, always an important part of social and economic life of a community. The market, not only become a place of economic transactions but also the center of community interaction in sosial.Di Indonesia, today's traditional market began its existence threatened by the presence of modern shopping centers that eventually forced some small traders roll merchandise because it is not able to maintain its business associated with daily turnover decreases. The existence of a modern market this could be a threat to the survival of traditional markets. That is still an important backbone for some small communities in Indonesia. Then where lies the fault of the phenomenon of a flood of modern markets, which in turn displace the traditional market? Does the consumer is a party is to blame? Of course not, people as consumers have the freedom to choose where they will spend money to meet their daily needs.
The condition of the majority of the modern market is more comfortable, with quality merchandise with a more secure makes some people switch from traditional markets to markets modern.Jika do not want this trend to shift the direction of social conflict in society, the local government, district and municipal governments as the main organizer most of the traditional markets in Indonesia should be responsive to the deficiencies of traditional markets and immediately revitalize traditional markets. Revitalization should be directed at strengthening the advantages of traditional markets and real action to eliminate the things that the weakness of the traditional market. Given some strong traditional market success without the least swayed by the presence of modern markets such as markets Sukowati in Bali, Klewer Market in Solo, Pasar Tanah Abang, Pasar Wonokromo, Malioboro street markets and some lainya.Kita market will realize that the ability to maintain market existence is not independent of the uniqueness and professionalism of market management, both individually as well as management of trader, the manager. The uniqueness is born of the particularity of products can be sold and the creativity of merchants hawking goods in daganganya. This is the one who should be the strength of traditional markets that are not owned by the modern market. This is the one who must be observant developed by the government as the traditional market managers. The government needs to lead the traders to have a complete view of market competition winning concept. This means that in addition to factors such as cleanliness and safety standards, the buyer also needs to be withdrawn by means of offering a more attractive currency.
For example, traditional markets to apply the pattern of creative offerings by offering lower prices untuh several products in accordance with a specific day. So that buyers can get a cheaper buy than the modern market. In terms of the goods sold, traditional markets must also have the unique compared to the modern market. In addition professionalism must also be an important factor to consider. Professionalism should include a fair restribusi management between managers and merchants, merchandise quality is assured, and the security market is an important factor to consider. If necessary, be given a guarantee to buyers who purchase defective goods will be returned and replaced several times. So as to create a sense of security from the buyer to spend their money in traditional markets.
The existence of traditional markets is very important, because in traditional markets is the pulse of life of small traders are at stake. The existence of traditional markets is also a parameter of the economic pulse of small and medium communities. With a strong traditional markets, the small and medium communities can become a strong community structure, so many problems in this country that can be resolved, not just economic issues but also social issues, health and even education.

The market is as a place of sale and purchase of goods for society is one reflection of the economy and social culture of each community in the world. The market experienced growth from time to time, from the traditional to modern. These developments occurred in the cities of the world.The existence of a modern market today can not be dammed in line with changes in thinking and behavior of private consumption. But fear can affect the existence of traditional market role in public life. Despite the existence of traditional markets can not be ruled out in the middle to shore up the economy down. But it turns out the existence of a modern market affect the revenue of traditional market traders. After the modern market, merchant revenue to be reduced / declined.To maintain the existence of traditional markets offered some alternative solutions is to reform the quality of traditional markets, particularly with regard to cleanliness, regularity, and comfort in order to comply with and serving the needs of everyday people. In addition, the need to enforce rules that regulate the distance between the development of modern markets with traditional markets, so there is no overlap and competition between the modern market with traditional markets, which in turn can help tradisioanal market's role in the economy of a region.

Keeping the need for Food Security from Climate Change Extreme

Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa together with Minister of Agriculture Suswono, BUMN Minister Mustafa Abubakar, the Vice Minister of Transportation Bambang Soesantono, Head of Bulog Soetarto Alimuso, and Vice Governor of West Java, Dede Yusuf contrast using Cirebon Express train to Indramayu, West Java, to review implementation Ciherang rice harvest held in the Village Benduyut, District Bangodua, Indramayu regency of West Java. The review was conducted to ensure the availability of potential national granary, stock basic necessities, especially the national rice stock in preparation for the Idul Fitri season 2010. National rice stock in a safe condition to the national rice stock is currently about 4.5 to 5 million tons.
At a press conference, Coordinating Minister for Economics explain the need to be aware of the existence of extreme climate changes that affect world food supply. Four countries have been shut down exports of wheat are: Russian wheat shortage by 20%, Turkey, India, and Pakistan, which still requires the availability of adequate food by the disaster of extreme climate change. China announced it would import 1 million tons of rice. Climate extremes can occur at any time, so the need to take advantage of space time for farmers to start planting, although the difference is only 1 week only. The government will make policy are quick to adapt to climate change. When in 2010 Indonesia affected by extreme climate, then at least to provide for their own food. Ministry of Agriculture was still  doing  research on the diversification of food in Indonesian to increase food security

My Opinion :
Due to extreme climate, many Indonesian rice farmers experienced crop failure and a number of countries have closed their wheat exports. Government should be responsive to the situation like this. The government also seeks to promote good idea back in vesifikasi food as well as raise awareness to the public that eating carbohydrates or compliance not only with rice or wheat alone but there are some other carbohydrate sources such as corn, sago, tubers, breadfruit, etc.

Ekspor - Impor dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Perekonomian Indonesia.

Ekspor adalah proses transportasi barang atau komoditas dari suatu negara ke negara lain secara legal, umumnya dalam proses perdagangan. Proses ekspor pada umumnya adalah tindakan untuk mengeluarkan barang atau komoditas dari dalam negeri untuk memasukannya ke negara lain. Ekspor barang secara besar umumnya membutuhkan campur tangan dari bea cukai di negara pengirim maupun penerima. Ekspor adalah bagian penting dari perdagangan internasional, lawannya adalah impor(Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas)

Impor adalah proses transportasi barang atau komoditas dari suatu negara ke negara lain secara legal, umumnya dalam proses perdagangan. Proses impor umumnya adalah tindakan memasukan barang atau komoditas dari negara lain ke dalam negeri. Impor barang secara besar umumnya membutuhkan campur tangan dari bea cukai di negara pengirim maupun penerima. Impor adalah bagian penting dari perdagangan internasional, lawannya adalah ekspor(Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas)


Pengutamaan Ekspor bagi Indonesia sudah digalakkan sejak tahun 1983.Sejak saat itu,ekspor menjadi perhatian dalam memacu pertumbuhan ekonomi seiring dengan berubahnya strategi industrialisasi-dari penekanan pada industri substitusi impor ke industri promosi ekspor.Konsumen dalam negeri membeli barang impor atau konsumen luar negeri membeli barang domestik,menjadi sesuatu yang sangat lazim.Persaingan sangat tajam antarberbagai produk.Selain harga,kualitas atau mutu barang menjadi faktor penentu daya saing suatu produk.
Secara kumulatif, nilai ekspor Indonesia Januari-Oktober 2008 mencapai USD118,43 miliar atau meningkat 26,92 persen dibanding periode yang sama tahun 2007, sementara ekspor nonmigas mencapai USD92,26 miliar atau meningkat 21,63 persen. Sementara itu menurut sektor, ekspor hasil pertanian, industri, serta hasil tambang dan lainnya pada periode tersebut meningkat masing-masing 34,65 persen, 21,04 persen, dan 21,57 persen dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya.

Adapun selama periode ini pula, ekspor dari 10 golongan barang memberikan kontribusi 58,8 persen terhadap total ekspor nonmigas. Kesepuluh golongan tersebut adalah, lemak dan minyak hewan nabati, bahan bakar mineral, mesin atau peralatan listrik, karet dan barang dari karet, mesin-mesin atau pesawat mekanik. Kemudian ada pula bijih, kerak, dan abu logam, kertas atau karton, pakaian jadi bukan rajutan, kayu dan barang dari kayu, serta timah.

Selama periode Januari-Oktober 2008, ekspor dari 10 golongan barang tersebut memberikan kontribusi sebesar 58,80 persen terhadap total ekspor nonmigas. Dari sisi pertumbuhan, ekspor 10 golongan barang tersebut meningkat 27,71 persen terhadap periode yang sama tahun 2007. Sementara itu, peranan ekspor nonmigas di luar 10 golongan barang pada Januari-Oktober 2008 sebesar 41,20 persen.

Jepang pun masih merupakan negara tujuan ekspor terbesar dengan nilai USD11,80 miliar (12,80 persen), diikuti Amerika Serikat dengan nilai USD10,67 miliar (11,57 persen), dan Singapura dengan nilai USD8, 67 miliar (9,40 persen).

Peranan dan perkembangan ekspor nonmigas Indonesia menurut sektor untuk periode Januari-Oktober tahun 2008 dibanding tahun 2007 dapat dilihat pada. Ekspor produk pertanian, produk industri serta produk pertambangan dan lainnya masing-masing meningkat 34,65 persen, 21,04 persen, dan 21,57 persen.

Dilihat dari kontribusinya terhadap ekspor keseluruhan Januari-Oktober 2008, kontribusi ekspor produk industri adalah sebesar 64,13 persen, sedangkan kontribusi ekspor produk pertanian adalah sebesar 3,31 persen, dan kontribusi ekspor produk pertambangan adalah sebesar 10,46 persen, sementara kontribusi ekspor migas adalah sebesar 22,10 persen.

Kendati secara keseluruhan kondisi ekspor Indonesia membaik dan meningkat, tak dipungkiri semenjak terjadinya krisis finansial global, kondisi ekspor Indonesia semakin menurun. Sebut saja saat ekspor per September yang sempat mengalami penurunan 2,15 persen atau menjadi USD12,23 miliar bila dibandingkan dengan Agustus 2008. Namun, secara year on year mengalami kenaikan sebesar 28,53 persen.


Keadaan impor di Indonesia tak selamanya dinilai bagus, sebab menurut golongan penggunaan barang, peranan impor untuk barang konsumsi dan bahan baku/penolong selama Oktober 2008 mengalami penurunan dibanding bulan sebelumnya yaitu masing-masing dari 6,77 persen dan 75,65 persen menjadi 5,99 persen dan 74,89 persen. Sedangkan peranan impor barang modal meningkat dari 17,58 persen menjadi 19,12 persen.

Sedangkan dilihat dari peranannya terhadap total impor nonmigas Indonesia selama Januari-Oktober 2008, mesin per pesawat mekanik memberikan peranan terbesar yaitu 17,99 persen, diikuti mesin dan peralatan listrik sebesar 15,15 persen, besi dan baja sebesar 8,80 persen, kendaraan dan bagiannya sebesar 5,98 persen, bahan kimia organik sebesar 5,54 persen, plastik dan barang dari plastik sebesar 4,16 persen, dan barang dari besi dan baja sebesar 3,27 persen.

Selain itu, tiga golongan barang berikut diimpor dengan peranan di bawah tiga persen yaitu pupuk sebesar 2,43 persen, serealia sebesar 2,39 persen, dan kapas sebesar 1,98 persen. Peranan impor sepuluh golongan barang utama mencapai 67,70 persen dari total impor nonmigas dan 50,76 persen dari total impor keseluruhan.

Data terakhir menunjukkan bahwa selama Oktober 2008 nilai impor nonmigas Kawasan Berikat (KB/kawasan bebas bea) adalah sebesar USD1,78 miliar. Angka tersebut mengalami defisit sebesar USD9,3 juta atau 0,52 persen dibanding September 2008.

Sementara itu, dari total nilai impor nonmigas Indonesia selama periode tersebut sebesar USD64,62 miliar atau 76,85 persen berasal dari 12 negara utama, yaitu China sebesar USD12,86 miliar atau 15,30 persen, diikuti Jepang sebesar USD12,13 miliar (14,43 persen). Berikutnya Singapura berperan 11,29 persen, Amerika Serikat (7,93 persen), Thailand (6,51 persen), Korea Selatan (4,97 persen), Malaysia (4,05 persen), Australia (4,03 persen), Jerman (3,19 persen), Taiwan (2,83 persen), Prancis (1,22 persen), dan Inggris (1,10 persen). Sedangkan impor Indonesia dari ASEAN mencapai 23,22 persen dan dari Uni Eropa 10,37 persen

Jumat, 29 April 2011


A.     STAFF
Staff is the person appointed / designated in accordance with the expertise to carry out a task in-charge him. So based on the above can be stated that the task of the staff are: to provide service and advice to managers / leaders in accordance with the expertise they have. A staff can also be referred to as a permanent employee of a company and receive or earn a certain amount regularly from a company.

Criteria for staff as follows:
1. Those who occupy positions in the Structural Organization of the company.
2. Those who have obligations, responsibilities, and authority against company policy.
3. Those who get a bigger wage than other workers.
4. Those who get more baikdari facilities on other workers.

Staff Functions: It is the function of giving advice to officials in line but with no operational authority, there is also the primary function of staff, namely: Reviewing the problem, plan, advise, Observing.

Workers are segments of society, who make their livelihoods by working in a unity organizations, both government labor unity, and unity of private employment and to produce works that are useful to achieve organizational goals that have been assigned a company.

Criteria for workers as follows:
1. Having a strong personal initiative.
2. Highly motivated.
3. Oriented activities rather than routine.
4. It has a high responsibility of his job.
5. Synergize with both within the team.


  •       Staff is a worker who has become a permanent employee at a company and has received regular salary(monthly) and is certain to get life and health insurance benefits. 
  •      The worker is a worker who has not become permanent employees and a worker with the status of day laborers or contract system that still gets paid ordinary daily but also monthly, it depends on the policy of the company. Workers also do not receive benefits such as life and health insurance